Traveling the World
My Suitcase is Missing
Grammar Revision
Exercise 1: Choose the correct word.
Traveling the World
It's Not My Order
Traveling the World
Renting a Car for Your Tour
VocabularyTraveling the World
Going to the Airport
Traveling the World
Sightseeing in Sri Lanka
Sightseeing in Istanbul
Traveling the World
Checking in at the Hotel
Visiting a Restaurant
Traveling the World
Expanding Your Horizons
Traveling the World
Expanding Your Horizons
Traveling can be a rewarding experience. It can help you learn about the world, improve your language skills, and gain a new perspective on life. Are you planning your next adventure?
Just Checking
Grammar Hints
True or False
Story One
I went to the salon to get a haircut. When I sat in the chair, I found out that this stylist didn't do haircuts, only styling. I didn't have time to wait for another stylist and decided to get a styling done instead. In the end, my stylist decided to try cutting my hair. I love adventures, so I agreed.
True or False
Story Two
We went to Red Square during the January holidays. There was a huge line along Nikolskaya Street. We decided not to wait and left, but we took a lot of photos.
True or False
Story Three
True or False
Story Four
At the end of the year, I was very tired and even got sick. For a few days before New Year's, I had no energy. I didn't have a festive mood.
True or False
Story Five
At the end of December, we celebrated 2 holidays. That day we booked a table at a seafood restaurant. We parked the car and went to the restaurant. When we returned, the car was gone. We called a special service and found out that the car had been towed.
True or False
Story Six
One day during the holidays, we decided to listen to the organ. We know several locations where you can listen to organ music. Unfortunately, all tickets were sold out. In the end, we went to the circus instead.
True or False
Story Seven
On a frosty day, we decided to take a walk in Kuskovo Park. It's very beautiful there at any time of year. When we arrived, there were a lot of people. We decided to come back another day as it was too crowded.
How Not to Burn Out
to burn out выгорать
burnout выгорание
tips советы
to stay up late засиживаться допоздна
junk food вредная еда
to have a treat побаловать себя
Let's read the song quotes and the screenshots and translate the examples
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1