English Over Coffee

Traveling the World

My Suitcase is Missing

is missing: пропал
carousel: багажная лента, конвейер
lost and found: бюро находок
detour: отклонение от маршрута
sunbathing: загорать
filled out the forms: заполнил(а) бланки/формы
essentials: предметы первой необходимости
accidentally: случайно
safe and sound: в целости и сохранности
as an apology: в качестве извинения

Oh no! My suitcase is missing! I arrived in Berlin so excited for my holiday, but at the airport, my bag wasn't on the carousel.

Panic started to set in. All my clothes, my camera, my special travel guide – everything was in there! I went to the lost and found office, and the staff were very helpful. They took my details and told me not to worry.

"Sometimes," they said, "bags just take a little detour." Detour? My suitcase was probably having its own adventure somewhere! I imagined it sunbathing in Spain or sightseeing in Paris.

I filled out the forms, feeling a bit sad, and went to my hotel. I bought a new toothbrush and a few essentials, trying to stay positive.

The next day, I got a call! They'd found my suitcase! It had accidentally been put on a flight to Munich, but it was back in Berlin, safe and sound.

I went back to the airport, and there it was! My bright red suitcase, waiting for me. I was so happy! My holiday could really begin now. And you know what? The airline even gave me a small present as an apology.

So, although my luggage had a little holiday of its own, it all ended happily!

Grammar Revision

Exercise 1: Choose the correct word.

  1. I (have gone / went) to the cinema last night.
  2. She (is reading / reads) a book at the moment.
  3. They (will travel / are traveling) to Spain next week.
  4. He (has lived / lived) in London for five years.
  5. We (didn't go / haven't gone) to the party yesterday.
  6. She (can / could) speak French fluently.
  7. I (must / have to) finish this report by Friday.
  8. He (used to / use to) play football when he was younger.
  9. If I (win / will win) the lottery, I will travel the world.
  10. She is (taller / more tall) than her brother.

Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
  1. I _______________ (see) him yesterday.
  2. They _______________ (go) to Italy next week.
  3. She _______________ (work) as a teacher for ten years.
  4. He _______________ (not like) coffee.
  5. We _______________ (eat) dinner when the phone rang.
  6. They think that they _______________ (build) a new house next year.
  7. She _______________ (can) play the piano.
  8. I _______________ (have to) go to the dentist tomorrow.
  9. He _______________ (use to) eat a lot of fried food but now he prefers to use the oven.
  10. If I _______________ (have) enough money, I would buy a car for you.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.
  1. Someone stole my car.
  2. They are building a new school.
  3. The cat chased the mouse.
  4. My mother makes delicious cakes.
  5. People speak English all over the world.

Exercise 4: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
  1. I have went to the shop.
  2. She is liking chocolate.
  3. They are going to the beach tomorrow, but it is rain.
  4. He has been live here for five years.
  5. I must to go now.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct modal verb (or auxiliary).
  1. You _______ (must / can) be tired. You've been working all day. (deduction)
  2. I _______ (can / could) play the piano when I was younger. (past ability)
  3. We _______ (should / must) leave now if we want to catch the train. (advice)
  4. He _______ (might / can) arrive late. He's always late. (future probability)
  5. You _______ (don't have to / mustn't) wear a uniform at this school. (lack of obligation)
  6. She _______ (can / could) speak three languages. (ability)
  7. I _______ (must / should) study harder if I want to pass the exam. (necessity)
  8. They _______ (might / can) go to the beach this weekend, but it depends on the weather. (possibility)
  9. You _______ (mustn't / don't have to) park here. It's prohibited. (prohibition)
  10. _______ (Can / Could) you help me with this exercise, please? (request)

Exercise 6: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate modal verb (can, could, might, would, must, should (not), have to).
  1. I _______ go to the party tonight, but I'm not sure yet.
  2. You _______ be right, but I have my doubts.
  3. _______ you mind opening the window?
  4. She _______ play tennis very well when she was a child.
  5. We _______ to get up early tomorrow morning.
  6. You _______ eat so much candy. It's not good for you.
  7. They _______ arrive too.
  8. He _______ miss the train if he doesn't hurry.
  9. _______ you like a cup of tea?
  10. I _______ speak French, but I'm not fluent.

Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb.
  1. It is possible that I will go to Italy next year.
  2. It is necessary for you to bring your passport.
  3. I am able to swim very well.
  4. It is prohibited to smoke in this area.
  5. It is advisable to book your tickets in advance.

Exercise 8: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
  1. I can to speak Spanish.
  2. You must to be on time.
  3. She could went to the cinema last night.
  4. They will can help us.
  5. I should to go to bed earlier.
Vocabulary 1
Sweet Couples

another / other
another day (ед.ч.)
other days (множ.ч.)

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. We met with ___ friends.
  2. Can I have ___ cup of coffee?
  3. I have got ___ ideas.
  4. I don't have ___ options.
  5. Do you have ___ plan?
  6. I know ___ places.
  7. I know ___ cafe.

a little bit / some
a little bit + прилагательное
a little bit tired
some + существительное
some people

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I am ___ worried about it.
  2. I have ___ salad in my lunchbox.
  3. Are you ___ angry?
  4. Would you like ___ lasagna?
  5. I can get you ___ new clothes.
  6. These clothes are ___ wet.

so / such
so + прилагательное
so funny
such если после него есть существительное
such a nerd, such a funny joke, such good people

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. Your book is ___ successful.
  2. You wrote ___ a successful book.
  3. Our friends are ___ inspiring.
  4. I have ___ creative friends.
  5. I felt ___ relaxed.
  6. I had ___ a pleasant evening.

let / give
let + глагол
Let me know.
give + существительное
Give me an hour.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ me explain.
  2. ___ me a second.
  3. ___ them the tickets.
  4. ___ him add.
  5. Don't ___ me be the last to know.
  6. ___ me a chance.

decide / solve
decide + глагол
I decided to go to the gym.
solve + существительное
I solved their problem.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ to eat healthy food.
  2. We ___ a difficult math problem.
  3. They can't ___ what to wear tonight.
  4. Did you ___ the mystery of the missing earrings.
  5. She ___ to go to the gallery.
  6. I have to ___ where to go.

discuss / talk about
discuss без предлога
Let's discuss this option.
talk с предлогом
Let's talk about this opportunity.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. Let's ___ our trip.
  2. We ___ about the event.
  3. Let them ___ it before they leave.
  4. They are ___ about my book.
  5. What are you ___ about?
  6. Let's not ___ it without them.

although / despite, in spite of
although + подлежащее
Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
despite, in spite of + существительное или герундий
Despite the wind, we enjoyed our picnic.
In spite of being tired, she finished her work.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ his efforts, he failed the exam.
  2. ___ he is rich, he is not happy.
  3. She loves to travel, ___ she is afraid of flying.
  4. She went to work, ___ feeling sick.
  5. ___ having problems with her mates, he invited them all.
  6. ___ the conflict, they had to discuss the project.
Vocabulary 2
Sweet Couples 2

to между / to чтобы
I want to see you.
I read books to escape.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. We met with friends ___ have fun and catch up.
  2. I have ___ tell you something.
  3. Do you plan ___ let them know?
  4. I take photos ___ remember the moment.
  5. I decided ___ go to the gym.
  6. What do you want me ___ say?
  7. I walk around the city ___ get inspiration.
  8. I want you ___ share your impressions.
  9. Why do you have ___ be so nice?
  10. I study more ___ make progress.

прилагательное / наречие
прилагательное + существительное
You are a real talent.

наречие + прилагательное
It's really amazing.

наречие + глагол
I really appreciate your help.

Заполните пропуски словами with real или really (fill in the gaps with real or really):
  1. You are a ___ friend. I appreciate our friendship.
  2. I am ___ worried about them. We are losing touch with them.
  3. It's ___ helpful. Thanks a lot. This means the world to me.
  4. You can ___ hurt someone with your words.
  5. I'm ___ having a lot in my plate right now. Let's not argue.
  6. Are you ___ angry? What went wrong?
  7. Would you like to try ___ fish and chips? The chef in this restaurant is British.
  8. I can get you a ticket to a ___ concert.
  9. These clothes are ___ old. We should go shopping.
  10. It's ___ late. We should go.

good / well
good хороший; хорошо с to be и глалогами чувств
You are a good friend.
It's really good.
I'm feeling good.

well хорошо с остальными глаголами
I can cook really well.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. This dish is really ___.
  2. It went ___.
  3. It looks ___.
  4. He cooks really ___.
  5. That sounds ___.
  6. How ___ can you swim?
  7. How ___ is this book?
  8. They get on ___.
  9. It doesn't feel ___.
  10. It's not a ___ idea.

late / later
late поздно
It's late. We came late. I'm running late.
later позже, позднее
See you later. Let's discuss it later. Sooner or later.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. See you ___.
  2. Why do you always come so ___?
  3. Why can't I do it ___?
  4. He came back ___ in the evening.
  5. Sooner or ___ you will have to tell the truth.
  6. We're having dinner now. Let's do it ___.
  7. Could you call back ___? I'm running ___ and can't talk right now.
  8. What are you doing ___? We could grab a bite.
  9. Don't call me so ___.
  10. He comes home ___ than she does.

at the end of / in the end
at the end of в конце чего-то
I do homework at the end of the weekend.
in the end в конце концов, в итоге
But in the end, it doesn't really matter (c)

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ the movie, there was a surprising twist.
  2. ___, she got the job.
  3. ___ the street, there's a park.
  4. ___ the day, I'm exhausted (really tired).
  5. ___, they decided to move to a different apartment.
  6. ___, the hero saves the day.
  7. ___ the meeting, we'll discuss the next steps.
  8. ___, it's all about love.
  9. ___ the year, we'll have a company party.
  10. In the end, we realized that we were wrong.

-ing / -ed
boring / bored, interesting / interested, tiring / tired, surprising / surprised, thrilling / thrilled

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. The lecture was ___. I was really ___.
  2. Hiking up the mountain was ___. I was ___ after the climb.
  3. The book was really ___. I was ___ in every chapter.
  4. The news was ___. I was ___ to hear it.
  5. The roller coaster ride was ___. I was ___ after the ride.
  6. The ending of the story was ___. I was ___ by the twist.
  7. The performance was so ___. We got ___ and left early.
  8. The article was quite ___. I was ___ in learning more about the topic.
  9. The job was very ___. I was ___ at the end of the day.
  10. The concert was ___. I was ___ to see my favorite band perform live.

Traveling the World

It's Not My Order

disaster ужас
were chatting болтали
discount скидка

Oh no! What a disaster at the restaurant! My friend and I went to a new Italian place last night. We were so excited because we love pasta. I ordered the spaghetti carbonara. It sounded delicious – creamy sauce, bacon, and Parmesan cheese. My friend, Maria, wanted the lasagna. She loves anything with cheese and tomato sauce.

We waited for a long time, but that was okay. We were chatting and laughing. Finally, the food arrived. But… something was wrong. The waiter put a plate of lasagna in front of me! And Maria got the spaghetti carbonara! We looked at each other, confused. This wasn't what we ordered.

I don't like lasagna very much. And Maria doesn't like creamy sauces. We called the waiter back. We explained the problem. He was very sorry. He said, "Oh dear, I made a mistake." He took our plates back to the kitchen.

We waited a little longer, but this time, the food was correct! My spaghetti carbonara was perfect. It was hot and creamy. Maria’s lasagna looked amazing, with lots of cheese. We were both very happy. The waiter gave us a discount on our bill because of the mistake. So, in the end, it was a good dinner, even with the wrong order at the beginning! It was a funny experience, and now we have a story to tell.

Traveling the World

Renting a Car for Your Tour

Hi everyone! I'm planning a tour and I'm thinking about renting a car. I think it would be great to have the freedom to go where I want, when I want. But I've never rented a car before, so I have some questions.

First, where is the best place to rent a car? Are there big companies or smaller, local ones? Which is better? I'm looking for a good price, of course!

Second, what kind of car should I rent? I'll be travelling with two friends. Do we need a big car for luggage, or will a smaller one be okay? What about fuel? Is petrol expensive? Maybe a smaller car is better for saving money.

Third, what documents do I need? I have my driving licence, of course. Do I need anything else? And what about insurance? Is it included in the price, or do I need to buy extra?

Finally, any tips for driving in a new country? Are there any special rules I should know? I don't want to get a ticket!

I'd be really grateful for any advice you can give me. Thanks in advance!


a wider variety широкий выбор
customer service клиентский сервис
comparison сравнение
in advance заранее
will save you money сэкономит вам деньги
discounts скидки
sufficient достаточный
consider рассматривать
slightly слегка
luggage capacity вместимость для багажа
fuel топливо
petrol бензин
vary варьироваться
available and suitable доступный и подходящий
require требовать, запрашивать
insurance страховка

Rental Companies:
  • Big Companies vs. Local: Big companies like Hertz, Avis often have more locations and a wider variety of cars. They might also have better customer service and simple procedures. Local companies can sometimes be cheaper, but it's important to read reviews carefully. It's a good idea to compare prices from both.
  • Finding Good Prices: Use comparison websites like Kayak, Expedia, or Skyscanner to see prices from different rental companies. Booking in advance, especially outside peak season, can often save you money. Also, look for deals and discounts online.
Car Type:
  • Size and Luggage: For three people and luggage, a compact or mid-size car should be sufficient. If you have a lot of large suitcases, consider a slightly larger car for comfort. Check the luggage capacity of the car you're considering.
  • Fuel: Petrol prices vary from country to country. Research the fuel costs in your destination. Smaller cars generally use less fuel, saving you money. Consider a hybrid or electric car if it's available and suitable for your trip.
Documents and Insurance:
  • Documents: You'll definitely need your driving license. Some countries may require an International Driving Permit (IDP), so check the regulations for your destination. You'll also need a credit card in your name to pay for the rental and the security deposit.
  • Insurance: Car rental prices usually include basic insurance. Check if your travel insurance or credit card already provides some car rental coverage.

Traveling the World

Going to the Airport

check-in desk стойка регистрации
boarding pass посадочный талон
suitcase чемодан
security служба безопасности
gate выход на посадку
flight рейс
seat место
overhead locker верхняя полка для ручной клади
take off взлетать
flight attendants бортпроводники
passport control паспортный контроль

My name is Anna. Last week, I went to the airport. I was very excited because I was going to visit my grandparents in Spain! My dad drove me to the airport. It was a big airport, very busy!

Inside the Airport
First, we found the check-in desk for my airline. I showed my passport and ticket. The lady at the desk gave me my boarding pass. Then, my dad helped me with my suitcase. We went through security. I had to take off my shoes and my jacket. It was a little bit scary, but it was okay.

Finding the Gate
After security, we looked for my gate. The gate number was on my boarding pass. There were many signs, so it was easy to find. I waited at the gate with other people who were going to Spain. I bought a magazine and some sweets.

Boarding the Plane
Finally, they called my flight. I showed my boarding pass again, and I walked onto the plane. I found my seat. It was a window seat! I put my bag in the overhead locker. The plane took off. It was amazing! I looked out of the window and waved goodbye to my dad.

On the Plane
The flight was long, but I watched a movie and ate some snacks. The flight attendants were very nice. I was very happy to be going to Spain. I can't wait to see my grandparents!

After Landing
When we arrived in Spain, I was so happy! I got my suitcase and went through passport control. My grandparents were waiting for me. It was a wonderful trip!

Traveling the World

Sightseeing in Sri Lanka

ancient древний
temples храмы
guide гид
hills холмы

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with many places to see. If you like sightseeing, you will love it here. There are many famous landmarks to visit. One of them is the ancient city of Anuradhapura, which has amazing old buildings and temples.

When you are in Sri Lanka, you can go on an excursion to see these sights. It is a good idea to have a guide with you. A guide can tell you stories about the places you visit. Guides know a lot about the history and culture of Sri Lanka.

Many tourists visit the city of Kandy. You can travel there by bus, which is a comfortable way to see the countryside. On the way, you will see lovely green hills and tea plantations. In Kandy, you can visit the Temple of the Tooth, a very important landmark in the country.

If you like animals, you might want to visit Yala National Park. You can see elephants, leopards, and many birds there. An excursion to the park is an exciting adventure.

Remember, always carry a camera to take photos of your trip. You will have many memories of your time in Sri Lanka. Enjoy your sightseeing in this wonderful country!

Mark: Hi, what did you think of the excursion yesterday?
Pauline: Oh, it was amazing. Definitely one of my favourite here in Sri Lanka.
Mark: I'm glad you liked it. Did you get to see all the landmarks we planned out?
Pauline: Yeah, the guide was really professional and showed us everything. The temples were beautiful and the views from the top of the mountain were amazing.
Mark: Great! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. We're planning another excursion next week to visit some different landmarks. Would you like to join?
Pauline: That sounds wonderful. How are we going there this time? By bus or by foot?
Mark: It's a bit far for walking, so we'll go by bus. It'll be more comfortable and we can cover more ground that way.
Pauline: Excellent. Count me in!
Mark: Perfect. See you at the meeting point next Monday then.
Pauline: Sounds good. Thanks again for organizing these trips, Mark. You make sightseeing in Sri Lanka so much easier and more enjoyable.

Sightseeing in Istanbul

Last summer, my family and I went on an amazing excursion to Istanbul. It is a beautiful city in Turkey. We planned to see some famous landmarks and enjoy the city’s unique culture. First, we visited the Blue Mosque. It is a very famous landmark with six tall minarets and wonderful blue tiles inside. We took so many photos!

Next, we went to the Hagia Sophia. This is another remarkable landmark in Istanbul. It was first a church, then a mosque, and now it is a museum. Our guide told us a lot of interesting stories about its history. She was very friendly and her voice was easy to understand. We were really excited to learn about all the events that took place there.

During our excursion, we also visited the Grand Bazaar. It is one of the largest and oldest markets in the world. The market was full of colourful shops selling jewellery, carpets, and spices. We tried some delicious Turkish delights and bought some gifts for our friends back home.

While walking around the city, we noticed many cats everywhere. In Istanbul, cats are loved by everyone. They seemed very friendly and people take good care of them. We saw many cats resting in the sun, and they made the city feel even more charming.

Our trip to Istanbul was fantastic. We saw so many beautiful landmarks, learned a lot from our guide, and made some new furry friends. If you have a chance to visit Istanbul, I highly recommend it. It is a city full of surprises, history, and warmth.

Traveling the World

Checking in at the Hotel

reception desk стойка регистрации
to confirm подтвердить
driver's license водительское удостоверение
identification подтверждение личности
additional services дополнительные услуги
laundry стирка, химчистка
ID паспорт, документ, подтверждающий личность
is served подаётся, накрывается
hotel staff персонал отеля

When you arrive at a hotel, you need to check in at the reception desk. The receptionist will ask you for your name and confirm your reservation. You might need to show your passport or driver's license as identification.

The receptionist will give you your room key and tell you your room number. They will also give you some important information, such as the location of the breakfast room and the hotel rules.

Some hotels offer additional services, such as room service, laundry, and car rental. You can ask the receptionist about these services if you need them.

Useful phrases:
"Good evening. I have a reservation for one night."
"Can I see your ID, please?"
"Here is your room key. Your room number is 302."
"Breakfast is served in the dining room from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM."
"Please do not smoke in the rooms."

Remember to be polite and friendly to the hotel staff.

Visiting a Restaurant

a starter закуска
the main course основное блюдо
to pay the bill оплатить счёт
at the counter за стойкой
a tip, tips чаевые

I like to go to restaurants. It's fun!
First, I look at the menu. I often choose a starter like soup or salad. For the main course, I sometimes have pasta, pizza, or meat. I also like to try fish or vegetarian dishes.
For dessert, I love ice cream or cake. I usually order a drink, like water, juice, or cola.
The waiters are usually friendly. They bring me the food and ask if everything is okay. I always say "Thank you" and "It's delicious"!
I pay the bill at the counter or at the table. Sometimes I leave a tip for the waiter.
I enjoy going to restaurants with my friends and family. We can talk and have a good time.

Traveling the World

Expanding Your Horizons

Maria and John are getting ready for their holiday in Paris. They are very excited about their trip. Before they go, they need to plan a lot of things. Maria makes a reservation at a nice hotel in the city centre. She is happy that she found a room with a beautiful view.

Before they leave, they make a list of things they want to do. First, they want to visit the famous landmark, the Eiffel Tower. It is one of the most famous places in the world. John says, “We must go sightseeing and take many pictures.”

After visiting the Eiffel Tower, they decide to try some local cuisine. Maria loves trying new food. She can’t wait to savor some French cheese and delicious pastries. John wants to try some authentic baguettes and maybe a croissant or two.

On the day of their flight, they go to the airport. Maria and John arrive early to make sure they have enough time for check-in. They are very excited when they board the plane. Maria says, “I cannot wait to see all the sights and enjoy the food.”

Once they arrive in Paris, they start their adventure. They have a wonderful time visiting the Louvre Museum, walking along the Seine River, and exploring the different neighbourhoods. At night, they relax in their hotel with some wine and cheese. They are happy they planned so well because their trip is perfect.

Maria and John can’t wait to tell their friends and family all about their wonderful experiences. They are sure this trip will be something they remember forever.

Traveling the World

Expanding Your Horizons


to explore: to travel to or in a place and learn about it. =исследовать

to discover: to find something new or something that was not known before. =открыть для себя

a trip: a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure. =поездка

a long-haul flight: a long-distance flight. =длительный перелёт

to book: to reserve or arrange for. =забронировать

transportation: the act or means of transporting. =транспорт, транспортировка

to rent: to pay for the temporary use of something. =арендовать, взять напрокат

destination: the place to which one is going. =пункт назначения

accommodation: a place to live or stay in temporarily. =размещение

a guest house: a small hotel or boarding house. =гостевой дом

camping: the activity of spending a holiday living in a tent. =путешествие с палатками, кэмпинг

a landmark: a feature of a landscape. =достопримечательность

to go sightseeing: to visit places of interest as a tourist. =посещать достопримечательности

to wander: to walk around slowly without a particular purpose. =прогуливаться

local cuisine: the food and cooking traditions of a particular place. =местная кухня

a dish: a kind of food prepared in a certain way. =блюдо

a flavour: the particular taste of a food or drink. =вкус

to savor: to enjoy food or drink slowly and appreciatively. =наслаждаться вкусом

rewarding: giving a reward or benefit. =вознаграждение

to improve: to make something better. =улучшать

to gain: to get something. =получить

perspective: a particular attitude to something. =перспектива, точка зрения, точка обзора

adventure: an unusual and exciting experience. =приключение

Traveling is an exciting adventure that lets you explore new places, discover different cultures, and meet fascinating people. Whether you're planning a short trip to a nearby city or a long-haul flight to a distant land, there are many things to think about.

First, you'll need to book your transportation. This might involve flying on an airplane, taking a train, renting a car, or traveling by bus. Once you've arrived at your destination, you'll need to find your accommodation. You can choose from a variety of options, such as a hotel, a hostel, a guest house, or even camping.

Exploring your surroundings is a key part of any trip. You can visit famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. You can also go sightseeing, visit museums, and wander through local markets. Don't forget to try the local cuisine! You'll find a wide variety of dishes and flavours to savor.

Traveling can be a rewarding experience. It can help you learn about the world, improve your language skills, and gain a new perspective on life. Are you planning your next adventure?

Just Checking

Grammar Hints

Exercise 1: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
I usually _ to work by bus.
a) go b) am going c) goes d) going

Look! It _ !
a) rains b) is raining c) raining d) rain

She _ tennis every Sunday.
a) plays b) is playing c) playing d) play

What _ you _ now?
a) are / doing b) do / do c) are / do d) do / doing

He _ understand Spanish.
a) isn't b) aren't c) doesn't d) don't

Exercise 2: Past Simple
I _ to London last year.
a) go b) went c) gone d) going

We _ a delicious meal at the restaurant.
a) eat b) ate c) eated d) eating

Did you _ to the party yesterday?
a) go b) went c) gone d) going

She _ not happy with the results.
a) was b) were c) is d) are

Where _ you born?
a) was b) were c) are d) is

Exercise 3: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
This car is _ than that one.
a) more expensive b) expensiver c) most expensive d) the most expensive

She is the _ person that I know.
a) friendlier b) more friendly c) most friendly d) friendliest

Skiing is _ than snowboarding.
a) difficult b) more difficult c) most difficult d) the most difficult

This is the _ movie I have ever seen.
a) funniest b) funnier c) more funny d) most funny

He is not as _ as his brother.
a) taller b) tall c) tallest d) the tallest

Exercise 4: Present Perfect
I _ already _ my homework.
a) have / finished b) has / finished c) have / finish d) has / finish

_ you ever _ to Paris?
a) Have / was b) Has / been c) Have / go d) Has / been

She _ not _ the news yet.
a) has / hear b) have / heard c) has / heard d) have / hear

We _ lived here for five years.
a) have b) has c) are d) is

They _ just _ home.
a) has / come b) have / come c) have / came d) has / came

Exercise 5: First Conditional
1. If it __ tomorrow, we will stay at home.
   a) rains
   b) will rain
   c) rained
   d) would rain

2. She __ happy if she passes the exam.
   a) will be
   b) would be
   c) is
   d) was

3. We __ go out for dinner if we have time.
   a) will
   b) would
   c) can
   d) could

4. If you __ me, I will help you.
   a) ask
   b) will ask
   c) asked
   d) would ask

5. What __ you do if you win the lottery?
   a) will
   b) would
   c) can
   d) could

True or False

Story One

I went to the salon to get a haircut. When I sat in the chair, I found out that this stylist didn't do haircuts, only styling. I didn't have time to wait for another stylist and decided to get a styling done instead. In the end, my stylist decided to try cutting my hair. I love adventures, so I agreed.

True or False

Story Two

We went to Red Square during the January holidays. There was a huge line along Nikolskaya Street. We decided not to wait and left, but we took a lot of photos.

True or False

Story Three

Before my salon appointment, I decided to grab a bite and went to my favorite cafe. I had 50 minutes before my haircut. The salon was a 20-minute walk away. I ordered a sandwich and coffee. My order was only ready after 30 minutes. I quickly ate my sandwich and asked for my coffee to go.

True or False

Story Four

At the end of the year, I was very tired and even got sick. For a few days before New Year's, I had no energy. I didn't have a festive mood.

True or False

Story Five

At the end of December, we celebrated 2 holidays. That day we booked a table at a seafood restaurant. We parked the car and went to the restaurant. When we returned, the car was gone. We called a special service and found out that the car had been towed.

True or False

Story Six

One day during the holidays, we decided to listen to the organ. We know several locations where you can listen to organ music. Unfortunately, all tickets were sold out. In the end, we went to the circus instead.

True or False

Story Seven

On a frosty day, we decided to take a walk in Kuskovo Park. It's very beautiful there at any time of year. When we arrived, there were a lot of people. We decided to come back another day as it was too crowded.

Past Continuous Tense
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct past continuous form of the verbs given in brackets.
For example:
I ________ (have) breakfast when I saw a bird at our balcony.
I was having breakfast when I saw a bird at our balcony.

  1. I ________ (read) a book when the phone rang.
  2. They ________ (play) tennis in the park yesterday afternoon.
  3. She ________ (not/work) at that time.
  4. What ________ you ________ (do) at 8 p.m. last night?
  5. We ________ (listen) to music while we were cooking dinner.
  6. Someone ________ (play) the piano while I was writing this sentence.
  7. Someone ________ (lock) their front door while I was writing this sentence.
  8. Our neighbour's dog ________ (bark) while I was writing this sentence.
  9. While I ________ (watch) TV, the lights went out.
  10. She ________ (not/study) when I called her.
  11. They ________ (dance) and ________ (sing) at the party.
  12. What ________ you ________ (wear) when I saw you yesterday?

Exercise 2: Form questions in the past continuous tense.
  1. You / study / at 10 p.m. last night?
  2. What / they / do / when the teacher arrived?
  3. She / work / on her project yesterday morning?
  4. Where / you / go / when I saw you?
  5. Why / he / cry / yesterday?

Exercise 3: Write negative sentences in the past continuous tense.
  1. They ___ (not / play) football while it was raining.
  2. She ___ (not / sleep) when I texted her.
  3. We ___ (not / eat) dinner when I came.
  4. He was ___ (not / work) late in the evening.
  5. You ___ (not / listen) when the teacher asked you a question.

Exercise 5: Choose past simple or

Last Sunday, it was a beautiful day. The sun ___(shine) and the birds ___(sing). My friends and I ___(have) a picnic in the park. We ___(sit) on a blanket and ___(eat) sandwiches.

Suddenly, it ___(start) to rain. We were surprised because the weather forecast was good. We quickly ___(pack) up our things and ___(start) to run. We ___(laugh) while we ___(run) through the rain.

When we ___(get) home, we were wet and cold. But we were also happy. We ___(have) a lot of fun.

Exercise 5: Story Time
Write a short story (5-7 sentences) using the past continuous tense. Describe an event that was interrupted by another event.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct past perfect continuous form of the verbs given in brackets.
For example:
I ________ (have) breakfast before I left home.
I had been having breakfast before I left home.

  1. They _______ (study) for hours before the exam.
  2. We _______ (paint) the walls in the house by the time her husband arrived.
  3. We _______ (wait) for the bus for half an hour when it finally came.
  4. He _______ (work) on the project all night.
  5. They _______ (choose) for ages before they finally agreed.
  6. By the time the firefighters arrived, the man ___ (saving) all the people.
  7. She was exhausted because she ___ (work) all night.
  8. They ___ (argue) for ages before they finally reached an agreement.
  9. I was surprised to see how much weight he had lost. He ___ (diet) for months.
  10. We ___ (wait) for our friend for twenty minutes when he finally came.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in past perfect tense using the past perfect continuous tense.
  1. They had studied English for five years.
  2. She had worked as a teacher since 2010.
  3. We had waited for the train for an hour.
  4. He had played the guitar for ten years.
  5. They had lived in London for two years.
  6. They had worked on the project for two weeks.
  7. She had played the piano since she was five.
  8. They had lived in Saint Petersburg for three years before they moved back to Moscow.
  9. He had tried to learn French for six months.
  10. They had discussed the same thing for hours.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
By the time I arrived, they _______ dinner already.
a) had finished b) had been finishing

She _______ all day before I came to visit her.
a) had worked b) had been working

We _______ for hours when the storm hit.
a) had hiked b) had been hiking

He _______ Spanish for 5 years and then started working as a teacher.
a) had learnt b) had been learning

They _______ to each other for ages before I cooked dinner.
a) had talked b) had been talking

By the time we got to the party, everyone ___ already.
a) had left b) had been leaving

They ___ for hours before they found the lost dog.
a) had searched b) had been searching

We ___ to the music when the power went out.
a) had danced b) had been dancing

Exercise 4: Complete the story with the correct verb forms.
Last night, I was really tired. I ___ (work) on a report all day, and I still hadn't finished.
I ___ (try) to concentrate, but my mind was wandering. I decided to take a break and go for a walk.
As I was walking, I saw my neighbor, who looked exhausted. He told me he ___ (mow) the lawn all afternoon. We both agreed that we needed a good night's sleep.

Mixed Modal Verbs

Fill in the gaps:
Studying English is important.
You ___(must / should) study every day. You ___(mustn't / shouldn't) miss your study time. You ___(mustn't / shouldn't) forget to do your homework. You ___(must / should) practise speaking out loud.
You ___(can / have to) listen to English music. This is fun and helpful. You ___(can't / don't have to) understand everything at once, but don't worry. You ___(can / have to) try your best. You don't ___(can / have to) study for hours, but a little every day helps.
You ___(might / could) find it hard at first. You ___(might not / couldn't) speak much at the start, but it will get better.
You ___(may / might) learn some new words each day. You ___(might not / may not) memorize a lot of things at once, and that's okay.
You ___(might not / don't have to) know every rule, but keep trying. You ___(should / must) keep going and soon you'll be very good.

Read and translate the text:

How Not to Burn Out

to burn out выгорать

burnout выгорание

tips советы

to stay up late засиживаться допоздна

junk food вредная еда

to have a treat побаловать себя

Burnout is when someone feels very tired and stressed. Here are some tips on how not to burn out.

You must take breaks. Working all the time is bad. You mustn't work all day without stopping.
You can go for a walk or have a cup of tea. Relaxing is important. You can't always work hard.
You should sleep well at night. Sleep helps your body and mind. You shouldn't stay up late every night.
You have to eat healthy food because it gives you energy. You don't have to eat junk food every day. It is okay to have a treat sometimes.
You might feel tired if you work too much. You might not have time to do fun things.
You may feel happy when you do things you love. You may not finish all your work in one day, and that's okay.
You could try meditating or doing yoga. It helps with stress. You couldn't always keep working without a rest.

Remember, it is important to take care of yourself. Do you agree? What are your lifehacks?

  1. I can speak French fluently.
  2. When I was younger, I could run very fast.
  3. You must see this movie; it's fantastic.
  4. They might be late, so don't wait for them.
  5. I think you should take a break.
  6. May I use your phone?
  7. Can I open the window, please?
  8. You must wear a seatbelt in the car.
  9. I have to finish this report by Friday.
  10. He must be tired; he has worked all day.
Practice 2
Sweet Couples 2

to между / to чтобы


прилагательное / наречие
прилагательное + существительное
You are a real talent.

наречие + прилагательное
It's really amazing.

наречие + глагол
I really appreciate your help.


good / well
good хороший; хорошо с to be и глалогами чувств
You are a good friend.
It's really good.
I'm feeling good.

well хорошо с остальными глаголами
I can cook really well.


late / later
late поздно
It's late. We came late. I'm running late.
later позже, позднее
See you later. Let's discuss it later. Sooner or later.


at the end of / in the end
at the end of в конце чего-то
I do homework at the end of the weekend.
in the end в конце концов, в итоге
But in the end, it doesn't really matter (c)


-ing / -ed
boring / bored, interesting / interested, tiring / tired, surprising / surprised, thrilling / thrilled

Modal Verbs

can / can't

  1. Я умею водить.
  2. Я не могу понять твой вопрос.
  3. Почему ты не можешь объяснить?
  4. Я могу подождать.
  5. Это не может разрушить наши планы.

could / couldn't

  1. Я умела плавать.
  2. Это могло бы быть правдой.
  3. Почему ты не мог ответить?
  4. Я не могла остановиться.
  5. Кто мог взять это?

should / shouldn't

  1. Тебе лучше спросить их.
  2. Мне не надо бы есть пирог перед сном.
  3. Почему мне следует туда идти?
  4. Мне лучше уйти.
  5. Почему не не стоит пробовать?

must / mustn't

  1. Ты не должна сплетничать.
  2. Я должен согласиться?
  3. Когда я должен прийти?
  4. Тебе нельзя быть здесь.
  5. Они не должны победить.

might / might not

  1. Я, вероятно, опоздаю.
  2. Их может не быть дома.
  3. Завтра, скорее всего, тоже будет снег.
  4. Я, похоже, могу решить эту проблему.
  5. Он может быть прав.

may / may not

  1. Могу я спросить?
  2. Ты можешь съесть мой десерт.
  3. Я могу помочь тебе?
  4. Ты не можешь брать мою расчёску.
  5. Ты можешь идти.

have to, has to / don't, doesn't have to
  1. Мне приходится рано вставать.
  2. Тебе необязательно беспокоиться об этом.
  3. Мне обязательно это делать?
  4. Почему мне приходится это читать?
  5. Они вынуждены возвращаться домой поздно.
Modal Verbs

can / can't

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ cook really well.
  2. ___ I have a cup of cappuccino?
  3. I ___ understand you. What do you mean?
  4. I ___ go there without you. I'm scared.
  5. ___ you explain? It doesn't make sense.
  6. Why ___ you come? We are waiting for you.
  7. I ___ explain it. It's very difficult.
  8. When ___ we meet? I need to tell you something.
  9. Where ___ we talk? I want us to discuss something.
  10. I ___ decide right now. Give me some time.

could / couldn't

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ climb trees when I was eight years old.
  2. ___ you please pass the salt?
  3. You ___ try eating healthier to lose weight.
  4. ___ you learn faster when you were younger?
  5. I ___ understand the lecture. The professor was speaking very fast.
  6. She ___ do her homework because she worked a lot.
  7. That ___ be true!
  8. ___ it happen?
  9. Why ___ you call and tell me that you ___ come?
  10. ___ you repeat, please?

should / shouldn't

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ eat more vegetables. It's good for my shape.
  2. ___ I call her back now or later?
  3. They ___ drink so much soda.
  4. What ___ I wear to the event?
  5. We ___ study harder for the competitions.
  6. We ___ be late for the meeting. It's really important.
  7. They ___ apologize for their mistake. It took me a day to solve the problem.
  8. ___ we go out tonight?
  9. You ___ watch so many thrillers. It could affect your sleep.
  10. If you're feeling sick, you ___ probably stay home.

must / mustn't

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. You ___ wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike.
  2. ___ I finish doing this exercise by Friday?
  3. We ___ be quiet in the library.
  4. You ___ smoke inside the building.
  5. She ___ study hard for the quiz.
  6. They ___ leave early to catch the train.
  7. We ___ forget to lock the door.
  8. ___ we wear formal clothes to the dinner?
  9. ___ she visit them tomorrow?
  10. ___ we pay the bill now or can we do it later?

might / might not

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. It ___ rain in a few minutes. Look at the sky.
  2. ___ it help if I explain it one more time?
  3. She ___ be at home now. Let's drop in on her.
  4. ___ it snow later today? Should I put on a scarf?
  5. They ___ forget to call. You should call them.
  6. ___ they be interested in joining us?
  7. I ___ go to the party. I'm not in the mood. I don't feel like it.
  8. It ___ be a good idea to discuss them behind their backs. I hate gossip.
  9. Why ___ we try a different way to solve the mystery?
  10. It ___ be fair to drop his name.

may / may not

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ I use your phone?
  2. She ___ come so late. She isn't 18.
  3. You ___ borrow my book.
  4. It ___ be good for her.
  5. You ___ be here. We agreed to meet in another place.
  6. ___ I ask a question?
  7. You ___ ask such private questions.
  8. ___ I help you with that?
  9. ___ I ___ disturb you?
  10. You ___ wear such a long dress in the subway. It might get ripped.

have to, has to / don't, doesn't have to

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ go to work tomorrow.
  2. Does he ___ do it today?
  3. I ___ go to the meeting.
  4. Do you ___ work on weekends?
  5. She ___ be careful with him. He let her down once.
  6. Do they ___ wear a uniform to school?
  7. Don't you ___ be at the airport by 8 AM?
  8. You ___ study every day to get the result you want.
  9. You ___ worry about it. It's ok.
  10. We ___ be home early tonight. It's Friday.
Vocabulary 2
Sweet Couples 2

to между / to чтобы
I want to see you.
I read books to escape.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. We met with friends ___ have fun and catch up.
  2. I have ___ tell you something.
  3. Do you plan ___ let them know?
  4. I take photos ___ remember the moment.
  5. I decided ___ go to the gym.
  6. What do you want me ___ say?
  7. I walk around the city ___ get inspiration.
  8. I want you ___ share your impressions.
  9. Why do you have ___ be so nice?
  10. I study more ___ make progress.

прилагательное / наречие
прилагательное + существительное
You are a real talent.

наречие + прилагательное
It's really amazing.

наречие + глагол
I really appreciate your help.

Заполните пропуски словами with real или really (fill in the gaps with real or really):
  1. You are a ___ friend. I appreciate our friendship.
  2. I am ___ worried about them. We are losing touch with them.
  3. It's ___ helpful. Thanks a lot. This means the world to me.
  4. You can ___ hurt someone with your words.
  5. I'm ___ having a lot in my plate right now. Let's not argue.
  6. Are you ___ angry? What went wrong?
  7. Would you like to try ___ fish and chips? The chef in this restaurant is British.
  8. I can get you a ticket to a ___ concert.
  9. These clothes are ___ old. We should go shopping.
  10. It's ___ late. We should go.

good / well
good хороший; хорошо с to be и глалогами чувств
You are a good friend.
It's really good.
I'm feeling good.

well хорошо с остальными глаголами
I can cook really well.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. This dish is really ___.
  2. It went ___.
  3. It looks ___.
  4. He cooks really ___.
  5. That sounds ___.
  6. How ___ can you swim?
  7. How ___ is this book?
  8. They get on ___.
  9. It doesn't feel ___.
  10. It's not a ___ idea.

late / later
late поздно
It's late. We came late. I'm running late.
later позже, позднее
See you later. Let's discuss it later. Sooner or later.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. See you ___.
  2. Why do you always come so ___?
  3. Why can't I do it ___?
  4. He came back ___ in the evening.
  5. Sooner or ___ you will have to tell the truth.
  6. We're having dinner now. Let's do it ___.
  7. Could you call back ___? I'm running ___ and can't talk right now.
  8. What are you doing ___? We could grab a bite.
  9. Don't call me so ___.
  10. He comes home ___ than she does.

at the end of / in the end
at the end of в конце чего-то
I do homework at the end of the weekend.
in the end в конце концов, в итоге
But in the end, it doesn't really matter (c)

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ the movie, there was a surprising twist.
  2. ___, she got the job.
  3. ___ the street, there's a park.
  4. ___ the day, I'm exhausted (really tired).
  5. ___, they decided to move to a different apartment.
  6. ___, the hero saves the day.
  7. ___ the meeting, we'll discuss the next steps.
  8. ___, it's all about love.
  9. ___ the year, we'll have a company party.
  10. In the end, we realized that we were wrong.

-ing / -ed
boring / bored, interesting / interested, tiring / tired, surprising / surprised, thrilling / thrilled

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. The lecture was ___. I was really ___.
  2. Hiking up the mountain was ___. I was ___ after the climb.
  3. The book was really ___. I was ___ in every chapter.
  4. The news was ___. I was ___ to hear it.
  5. The roller coaster ride was ___. I was ___ after the ride.
  6. The ending of the story was ___. I was ___ by the twist.
  7. The performance was so ___. We got ___ and left early.
  8. The article was quite ___. I was ___ in learning more about the topic.
  9. The job was very ___. I was ___ at the end of the day.
  10. The concert was ___. I was ___ to see my favorite band perform live.
Vocabulary Practice 1
Sweet Couples

another / other
  1. У меня есть другая идея.
  2. Мы попросили других друзей.
  3. Можно мне ещё один кофе?
  4. У вас есть другие предложения?
  5. Я хочу пойти в другое место.

a little bit / some
  1. Я немного занят(а).
  2. Хочешь немного риса и овощей?
  3. Я немного взволнован(а).
  4. Это немного сложно.
  5. У меня есть немного времени.

so / such
  1. Ты такой хороший друг.
  2. Это так смешно.
  3. Этот фильм такой страшный.
  4. Она такая странная.
  5. Это такая интересная выставка.

let / give
  1. Дай мне подумать.
  2. Дай мне 5 минут.
  3. Дай мне решить.
  4. Дай им объяснить.
  5. Дай мне свой номер.

decide / solve
  1. Я решил(а) решить эту проблему сегодня.
  2. Я решил(а) ходить в зал.
  3. Он решил учиться хорошо.
  4. Она решила мою проблему.
  5. Я не могу решить, что купить.

discuss / talk about
  1. Давай обсудим это в другой раз.
  2. Я хочу поговорить о нашем проекте.
  3. Я могу обсудить это с ними.
  4. Мы поговорили о наших планах.
  5. Вы обсудили варианты?

although / despite, in spite of
  1. Несмотря на холодную погоду, мы гуляли в парке.
  2. Несмотря на то, что мы опоздали, они подождали нас.
  3. Несмотря на твоё настроение, мы приготовили пиццу.
  4. Несмотря на то, что это страшный фильм, мы решили посмотреть его.
  5. Несмотря на твоё мнение, я хочу попробовать.
Vocabulary 1
Sweet Couples

another / other
another day (ед.ч.)
other days (множ.ч.)

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. We met with ___ friends.
  2. Can I have ___ cup of coffee?
  3. I have got ___ ideas.
  4. I don't have ___ options.
  5. Do you have ___ plan?
  6. I know ___ places.
  7. I know ___ cafe.

a little bit / some
a little bit + прилагательное
a little bit tired
some + существительное
some people

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I am ___ worried about it.
  2. I have ___ salad in my lunchbox.
  3. Are you ___ angry?
  4. Would you like ___ lasagna?
  5. I can get you ___ new clothes.
  6. These clothes are ___ wet.

so / such
so + прилагательное
so funny
such если после него есть существительное
such a nerd, such a funny joke, such good people

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. Your book is ___ successful.
  2. You wrote ___ a successful book.
  3. Our friends are ___ inspiring.
  4. I have ___ creative friends.
  5. I felt ___ relaxed.
  6. I had ___ a pleasant evening.

let / give
let + глагол
Let me know.
give + существительное
Give me an hour.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ me explain.
  2. ___ me a second.
  3. ___ them the tickets.
  4. ___ him add.
  5. Don't ___ me be the last to know.
  6. ___ me a chance.

decide / solve
decide + глагол
I decided to go to the gym.
solve + существительное
I solved their problem.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. I ___ to eat healthy food.
  2. We ___ a difficult math problem.
  3. They can't ___ what to wear tonight.
  4. Did you ___ the mystery of the missing earrings.
  5. She ___ to go to the gallery.
  6. I have to ___ where to go.

discuss / talk about
discuss без предлога
Let's discuss this option.
talk с предлогом
Let's talk about this opportunity.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. Let's ___ our trip.
  2. We ___ about the event.
  3. Let them ___ it before they leave.
  4. They are ___ about my book.
  5. What are you ___ about?
  6. Let's not ___ it without them.

although / despite, in spite of
although + подлежащее
Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
despite, in spite of + существительное или герундий
Despite the wind, we enjoyed our picnic.
In spite of being tired, she finished her work.

Заполните пропуски (fill in the gaps):
  1. ___ his efforts, he failed the exam.
  2. ___ he is rich, he is not happy.
  3. She loves to travel, ___ she is afraid of flying.
  4. She went to work, ___ feeling sick.
  5. ___ having problems with her mates, he invited them all.
  6. ___ the conflict, they had to discuss the project.
Vocabulary 2
Alphabet of Verbs
Мы решили поехать утром.
Опиши этого человека.
Архитекторы проектируют здания.
Давай обсудим это позже.

Приятного аппетита.
Я тренируюсь 2 раза в неделю.
Объясни мне ещё раз.

Листья падают осенью.
Я чувствовал(а) себя устало.
Она наполнила ванну с пеной детям.
Что ты нашёл там?
Когда ты заканчиваешь?
Я подписан(а) на этот аккаунт.
Не забудь выключить духовку.

Давай я куплю тебе кофе?
Дай мне 5 минут.
Я выращиваю зелень.
Думаю, я приду.

Vocabulary 1
Alphabet of Verbs
Они добавили молоко в кофе.
Я согласен помочь вам.
Ответьте на мой вопрос.
Когда вы приехали?
Что они спросили?

Они стали лучшими друзьями.
Давайте начнём без них.
Ты веришь ему?
Она родилась в сентябре.
Кто разбил чашку?
Я принёс продукты и положил их в холодильник.
Они хотят построить летний дом.
Что мне нужно купить?

Я звонил им утром.
Почему ты носишь тяжёлые сумки?
Что-то поменялось.
Давай проверим эту информацию.
Мы выбрали красивые цвета.
Мы решили убраться вместе.
Наши друзья любят лазить по скалам.
Дверь закрылась из-за ветра.
Мы пришли поздно.
Мы сравнили их ответы.
Мы завершили встречу в 6 вечера.
Она исправила все ошибки в тексте.
Сколько это стоит?
Они создают шедевры.

Past Simple
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the verb.
  1. I ___ (go) to the museum with my family yesterday because there ___ (be) a rare exhibition.
  2. She ___ (not eat) lunch in the afternoon because he ___ (not have) time.
  3. We ___ (watch) a movie last night and everyone ___ (fall) asleep.
  4. They ___ (play) board games in the park and I ___ (win).
  5. He ___ (not study) for the test that's why he ___ (fail) it.

Exercise 2. Write sentences in the past simple using the given prompts.
  1. Yesterday / see / a movie / we.
  2. At the store / buy / some groceries / an hour ago / he.
  3. She / think / it / her mistake / is / that.
  4. We / have / because / bring / pizza / they / nothing to eat.
  5. They / at the balcony / put / the fridge / all the food / on the floor / break down / because.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the verb.
  1. There _ (be) a lot of my friends at the party last night.
  2. There _ (be) a weird man near the house.
  3. There _ (be, not) many options with the hotel.
  4. There _ (be, not) much space in that café, only a couple of tables.
  5. _ (Be) there any chance to meet with them?
  6. _ (Be) there any people at the swimming pool early in the morning?

Exercise 4. Match the questions with the correct answers.
  1. Did you go to the store?
  2. Where did you go on vacation?
  3. When did you finish your homework?
  4. What did you eat for dinner?
  5. Did she watch anything last night?

A. Yes, I did. Why?
B. Yesterday evening.
C. I made and ate some pasta.
D. No, she didn't. She came home very late.
E. I went to Saint Petersburg. It was amazing.

Exercise 5. Complete the story using the past simple form of the verbs.
Yesterday, I _ (get up) early. I _ (eat) some cereal breakfast and then _ (go) for a walk. It _ (take) me 5 minutes to get to the nearest park. I _ (spend) there some time and then I _ (meet) my friends. We _ (decide) to visit a new cafe.

When we _ (come) there, all tables _ (be) occupied. We _ (not, want) to wait so we _ (take) some coffee and snacks to go. We _ (go) back to the park and _ (grab) a bite there.

In the evening, I _ (come) home and _ (read) a new book. Then _ (go) to bed very late because the book _ (be) very involving.

Exercise 6. Tell about your weekend using the past simple. Describe what you did on Saturday and Sunday.

Simple Checklist 2
Negatives and Questions
  1. It doesn't seem fine.
  2. It doesn't rain in February.
  3. It doesn't really matter.
  4. It doesn't look boring.
  5. It doesn't take long.
  6. It doesn't take much experience.
  7. Does it take much time?
  8. Why does it always rain on me?
  9. What does he mean?
  10. Why does it feel so strange?

  1. I don't want you to worry.
  2. They don't want me to leave.
  3. She doesn't want me to wait.
  4. He doesn't want them to come.
  5. Does she want you to visit her?
  6. Do you want me to help?
  7. What do you want me to do?
  8. Why do you want it to stop?
  9. When does he want it to begin?
  10. Where do you want them to stay?

  1. Don't let me go to bed late.
  2. Don't let them go.
  3. Don't let them win.
  4. Don't let me work too much.
  5. You don't let me try.
  6. They don't let me ask questions.
  7. She doesn't let me think.
  8. Do you let her cook?
  9. Why do you let him tell lies?
  10. Why don't you let me help?

Вопросы из нескольких частей
  1. Do you know where they live?
  2. Do you know why they don't agree?
  3. Do you know why it feels so cold?
  4. Do you understand what I mean?
  5. Do you like what you do?
  6. Does it really matter where they work?
  7. Do you really mean what you say?
  8. Does it rain where you live?
  9. Do you know what I mean?
  10. Do you understand what we need to do?
Practice 2
Предлоги и местоимения
  1. Они едят омлет на завтрак?
  2. Вы пьёте кофе с молоком и или без молока?
  3. Вы ходите в зал утром?
  4. Она обедает днём?
  5. Вы читаете перед сном?
  6. Вы смотрите сериал вечером?
  7. Почему ты всегда смотришь на него?
  8. Почему ты часто меняешь работу?
  9. Когда ты навещаешь друзей?
  10. Ты проверяешь сообщения утром?
  11. Нам нужно сравнить их?
  12. Ты видишь разницу?
  13. Он часто готовит для семьи?
  14. Вы любите забираться в горы?
  15. Ты делишься впечатлениями с друзьями?
  16. Во сколько ты заканчиваешь?
  17. Что они создают?
  18. Ты хочешь описать эту картину?

Частицы some, any
  1. У вас есть какие-то вопросы?
  2. У вас есть какие-нибудь новые идеи?
  3. У вас есть какие-нибудь творческие друзья?
  4. У вас есть какие-то книги о кофе?
  5. Хотите кофе?
  6. Хотите чаю?
  7. Хотите салата?
  8. Хотите пирога?
  • Местоимения

    Let me do my job.
    I want you to think about your options.
    Don't take my keys. Take yours.
    They never forget their old friends.
    Let us add this to our list.
    He knows his duties. She knows hers, too.
  • Предлоги

    in autumn
    in the morning
    at night
    at 8 a.m.
    on Monday
    on holidays
    for breakfast
    a cup of coffee
    about problems
    from experience
    before sleep
    after lunch
  • Артикли

    I have a friend in Saint Petersburg. The friend works as a nurse.
    I have a wonderful idea about the event.
    What an amazing opportunity!
    We sometimes go to the theatre in the centre of the city.
Practice 2
Предлоги и местоимения
  1. Они едят омлет на завтрак?
  2. Вы пьёте кофе с молоком и или без молока?
  3. Вы ходите в зал утром?
  4. Она обедает днём?
  5. Вы читаете перед сном?
  6. Вы смотрите сериал вечером?
  7. Почему ты всегда смотришь на него?
  8. Почему ты часто меняешь работу?
  9. Когда ты навещаешь друзей?
  10. Ты проверяешь сообщения утром?
  11. Нам нужно сравнить их?
  12. Ты видишь разницу?
  13. Он часто готовит для семьи?
  14. Вы любите забираться в горы?
  15. Ты делишься впечатлениями с друзьями?
  16. Во сколько ты заканчиваешь?
  17. Что они создают?
  18. Ты хочешь описать эту картину?

Частицы some, any
  1. У вас есть какие-то вопросы?
  2. У вас есть какие-нибудь новые идеи?
  3. У вас есть какие-нибудь творческие друзья?
  4. У вас есть какие-то книги о кофе?
  5. Хотите кофе?
  6. Хотите чаю?
  7. Хотите салата?
  8. Хотите пирога?
  • every

    everything всё
    everybody все
    everyone все, каждый
    everywhere везде

    I know everything about my favourite writer.
    Everything makes me inspired.
    I respect everybody.
    Everybody understands my choice.
    I invite everyone.
    Everyone in this room knows this.
    People work everywhere.
  • some

    something что-то, что-нибудь
    somebody кто-то, кто-нибудь
    someone кто-то, кое-кто
    somewhere где-то, кое-где, где-нибудь, куда-нибудь

    I feel something amazing.
    Something helps them to create.
    I need somebody to decide.
    Somebody has this key.
    I know someone.
    Someone does this.
    Let's go somewhere.
  • any

    anything что угодно; что-то, что-нибудь; ничего
    anybody кто угодно; кто-то, кто-нибудь; никого, никто
    anyone кто угодно; кто-то, кое-кто; никого, никто
    anywhere где угодно, куда угодно; где-то, кое-где, где-нибудь, куда-нибудь; нигде, никуда

    1) I cook anything. Anything inspires me. They meet anybody. They teach anyone. We travel anywhere.

    2) Do you know anything about it? Do you see anybody there? Do you believe anyone? Do you plan to go anywhere?

    3) I don't promise anything. I don't work with anybody. Don't ask anyone. i don't go anywhere at night.
  • no

    nothing ничего
    nobody никого, никто
    no one никого, никто
    nowhere нигде, никуда

    I think about nothing.
    Nothing worries me.
    I work with nobody.
    Nobody wants this.
    I understand no one.
    No one cares.
    I go nowhere at night.
Practice every, some, any, no 2
every, some, any, no
  1. Они где-то здесь.
  2. Все в нашей семье любят пиццу.
  3. Никто не понял.
  4. Я кое-что купил(а).
  5. Что-то говорит мне, что это так странно.
  6. Ты хочешь что-нибудь поесть?
  7. Я не хочу ничего, я не хочу есть.
  8. Поехали куда-нибудь на выходные.
  9. Они что-то знают.
  10. Давай поговорим о чём-нибудь весёлом.
Practice every, some, any, no 1
every, some, any, no
  1. Кто-то постучал в дверь. Я пошла открывать, но никого не было.
  2. Кое-кто из моих друзей собирается на вечеринку. Хочешь пойти со мной?
  3. Кто-то забыл выключить свет на кухне.
  4. Я положила ключи где-то здесь, но не могу их найти.
  5. Можешь поставить сумку где угодно.
  6. Я готова поехать куда угодно с ним.
  7. Все были рады видеть тебя после отпуска.
  8. Я искала свою книгу везде, но так и не нашла ее.
  9. Никто не ответил на мой звонок.
  10. Всё, что мне нужно, это немного отдыха.
Simple Checklist 1
Простые утверждения
  1. Я люблю свою жизнь.
  2. Он изучает английский каждую неделю.
  3. Он пьёт кофе на завтрак.
  4. Я хочу обсудить это.
  5. Мы планируем купить новую мебель.
  6. Дождь часто идёт осенью.
  7. Это занимает время.
  8. У меня занимает 30 минут, чтобы добраться до офиса.
  9. Звучит интересно.
  10. Я хочу, чтобы вы поняли.
  11. Дайте мне подумать.
  12. Пусть они расскажут.

  1. Мы не согласны с этим.
  2. Я не добавляю сахар в капучино.
  3. Не спрашивай.
  4. Я не отвечаю на эти вопросы.
  5. Мы не начинаем рано.
  6. Я не хочу стать такой.
  7. Он не приносит документы домой.
  8. Они не покупают дорогие билеты.
  9. Я не ношу паспорт в сумке.
  10. Я не закрываю окно перед сном.

Типы вопросов
  1. Вы заказываете доставку?
  2. Он бегает утром?
  3. Вы не помните?
  4. Она не понимает?
  5. Вы верите в хороших людей?
  6. Что вы выбираете?
  7. Где вы обычно покупаете одежду?
  8. Когда у вас день рождения?
  9. Почему мы не гуляем перед сном?
  10. Почему он не ест курицу?
  11. Что из этого (которое) вы предпочитаете: суп или салат?
  12. Вы знаете это кафе, правда?
  13. Она не ест шоколад, да?
  14. Кто знает?
  15. Что делает тебя счастливым?
  16. С кем ты делишься информацией?
  17. С кем ты работаешь?
  18. О чём ты думаешь?

Утверждения из нескольких частей
  1. Я знаю, где они живут.
  2. Я понимаю, что вы хотите сказать.
  3. Я люблю это блюдо, потому что его легко готовить.
  4. Я люблю сладкое, но не карамель.
  5. Мы читаем книги, чтобы узнавать что-то новое.
  6. Я люблю путешествовать, чтобы сменить обстановку (change the scenery).
  7. Я хорошо готовлю, поэтому / вот почему я умею готовить все наши любимые блюда.

Предлоги и местоимения
  1. Я ем йогурт на завтрак.
  2. Я пью кофе с молоком и без сахара.
  3. Я занимаюсь спортом в зале утром.
  4. Днём я обедаю и у меня перерыв.
  5. Вечером я читаю что-то лёгкое перед сном.
  6. Ночью я смотрю серию сериала.
  7. Они смотрят на меня.
  8. Мы меняем вкусы с годами.
  9. Мы приезжаем к ним.
  10. Я проверяю почту утром.
  11. Я хочу сравнить его с оригиналом.
  12. Я не вижу разницы между ними.
  13. Он готовит ужин для нас.
  14. Мы хотим забраться на гору.
  15. Люди разделяют мои идеи. Эти идеи мои.
  16. Давайте завершим урок этим упражнением.
  17. Они создают прекрасное искусство.
  18. Я хочу описать свои эмоции от этой поездки.

Частицы some, any, no
  1. У меня есть несколько рецептов.
  2. У неё нет никаких вопросов.
  3. У них есть какие-нибудь варианты?
  4. У меня нет ответа.
  5. У тебя есть какой-нибудь новый рецепт?

too, also, either
  1. Я люблю итальянские блюда тоже.
  2. Я тоже читаю для удовольствия.
  3. Я не играю в покер тоже.

It + глагол
Природные явления
It rains. It snows. It doesn't rain. Does it snow?

It takes + существительное
It takes time.
It takes 10 minutes to make a tasty sandwich.
It takes me / you / him / her / us / them 30 minutes to ...

It looks perfect.
It tastes good.
It sounds amazing.
It feels cold.
It smells of autumn.

Другие глаголы
It seems boring.
It means nothing.
It matters to me.
want от кого-то
I want to clean our apartment.
No, I don't.
I want YOU to clean our apartment.

I want you / him / her / us / them to...

I want you to understand.
I want it to stop.
I want them to be happy.
I want my friend to come.
let + кому + глагол
let + me / you / him / her / us / them + глагол

Let me check.
Let me think.
Let them know.
Let her go.
Let it snow.
Let it be.
Let it slide.
Practice 1
  1. Это требует времени.
  2. У меня занимает 30 минут, чтобы собраться и выйти из дома.
  3. У меня занимает 15 минут, чтобы позавтракать.
  4. Дождь редко идёт зимой.
  5. Это звучит странно.
  6. На вкус шоколад.
  7. Пахнет дождём.
  8. Выглядит дорого.
  9. Это кажется смешным.
  10. Это значит много.

Let's read the song quotes and the screenshots and translate the examples

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

First Grammar Tips